25 03, 2014

Infertility To Pregnancy With Acupuncture & Herbs


A new clinical study concludes that acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine have potent effects in reversing infertility. Several types of patients suffering from infertility participated in the study including those using IVF, IUI and those using no biomedical assistance. All types showed significantly improved successful pregnancy rates. Pregnancy The researchers cited prior investigations measuring the [...]

Infertility To Pregnancy With Acupuncture & Herbs2017-02-05T12:25:53+10:00
23 03, 2014

Acupuncture MRI Shows Alzhemier’s Disease Benefit


MRI imaging reveals that acupuncture enhances brain activity in Alzheimer disease (AD) patients. Researchers investigated the effects of two important acupuncture points on the human brains of Alzheimer disease patients using fMRI imaging with a SIEMENS verio 3-Tesla scanner. The researchers discovered that acupuncture “can enhance the hippocampal connectivity in AD patients.” Acupoint Hegu (LI4) [...]

Acupuncture MRI Shows Alzhemier’s Disease Benefit2014-03-25T08:55:16+10:00
18 03, 2014

Acupuncture & Ginger Moxibustion Effective For Tinnitus


Researchers conclude that acupuncture combined with ginger moxibustion has a curative effect on patients with intractable tinnitus. Tinnitus is ringing in the ears. Patients with intractable tinnitus are primarily the elderly or middle-aged people who hear ringing in the ears, especially in the evening or in a quiet environment. Medications often do not work well [...]

Acupuncture & Ginger Moxibustion Effective For Tinnitus2017-02-05T12:25:53+10:00
17 03, 2014

Acupuncture For Schizophrenia Treatment Reviewed


A new report tracks the success of acupuncture for the treatment of schizophrenia. The research shows that acupuncture reduces depression, pain and hallucinations associated with schizophrenia. This chronic mental disorder is characterized by mental fragmentation, illogic, disconnected emotional responses, delusions and a breakdown of the line between fantasy and reality. Researchers documented a case study [...]

Acupuncture For Schizophrenia Treatment Reviewed2017-02-05T12:25:54+10:00
11 03, 2014

Acupunture and Herbs Effective For Cerebral Vasospasm


A recent study reveals that acupuncture has a curative effect on patients with cerebral vasospasm. Acupoint Yintang is helpful in relieving vasospasm and may help to save lives. This is a severe vasoconstriction of arteries and is located in the subarachnoid cavity covering the brain. The vasospasm decreases blood flow to the area and may [...]

Acupunture and Herbs Effective For Cerebral Vasospasm2017-02-05T12:25:54+10:00
10 03, 2014

Acupuncture For Heart Failure Recovery


Acupuncture improves the functional and physical health of the heart in cases of chronic heart failure (CHF). Research published in the American Journal of Physiology, Heart and Circulatory Physiology demonstrates several major clinical benefits provided by acupuncture in cases of CHF. One of the most important discoveries is that acupuncture reduces the physical size of [...]

Acupuncture For Heart Failure Recovery2014-03-12T08:43:20+10:00
4 03, 2014

Acupuncture For Facial Paralysis


Acupuncture is widely used in the treatment for peripheral facial paralysis (FP). Electroacupuncture combined with physiotherapy was found especially effective in the treatment of facial paralysis. In a recent study, researchers concluded that electroacupuncture and rehabilitation training combined with conventional acupuncture and physiotherapy can significantly improve facial paralysis symptoms in the early stage. The study [...]

Acupuncture For Facial Paralysis2017-02-05T12:25:55+10:00
27 02, 2014

Acupuncture Lowers Hypertension


Newly published research confirms that acupuncture reduces hypertension, high blood pressure. Researchers now know that acupuncture is effective for lowering blood pressure and reduces side effects of medication. Real acupuncture was found more effective than both a non-acupuncture control and a sham acupuncture control in this new laboratory experiment. As a result of this controlled [...]

Acupuncture Lowers Hypertension2017-02-05T12:25:55+10:00