25 04, 2014

Pain Reduced By Acupuncture


A new breakthrough in medical science finds a special bodily chemical responsible for pain reduction that is activated by acupuncture. The new state-of-the-art German research is a major discovery on how acupuncture stops pain. The anti-pain chemical is a chemokine called CXCL10. Acupuncture stimulates its expression which, in turn, reduces pain and inflammation by activating [...]

Pain Reduced By Acupuncture2017-02-05T12:25:52+10:00
18 04, 2014

Acupuncture and Massage For Lumbar Disc Herniation


A new study finds acupuncture combined with massage is more effective for treating lumbar disc herniation (LDH) than coenzyme B12 injections combined with physiotherapy. Researchers from Guangxi Jiangbing Hospital randomly divided 60 patients with LDH into an acupuncture group and an injection group. The acupuncture group received acupuncture needling on myofascial pain related trigger points [...]

Acupuncture and Massage For Lumbar Disc Herniation2017-02-05T12:25:52+10:00
8 04, 2014

Acupuncture Relieves Heel Pain and Plantar Fasciitis


Recent research indicates acupuncture is an effective and safe treatment for heel pain. Heel pain is a common foot condition often characterized by intense pain, especially when placing weight onto the foot. Pain on the back of the heel often indicates achilles tendinitis and pain on the underside of the heel often indicates plantar fasciitis. [...]

Acupuncture Relieves Heel Pain and Plantar Fasciitis2017-02-05T12:25:52+10:00
6 04, 2014

Acupuncture Reduces Depression and Insomnia


Acupuncture successfully relieves insomnia caused by depression. Researchers document two effective and contrasting approaches to acupuncture for the treatment of insomnia caused by depression. The research finds acupuncture points Lieque (LU7), Zhaohai (KI6) and UB15 (Xinshu) more effective than the Si Guan (i.e., Four Gates, Four Bars) combination for the treatment of depression related insomnia. [...]

Acupuncture Reduces Depression and Insomnia2014-06-24T14:41:48+10:00
5 04, 2014

Acupuncture Found Effective For Post-Surgical Shoulder Pain


New research conducted at the department of surgery at the Bnai-Zion Medical Center, Israel finds acupuncture effective in reducing pain after shoulder surgery. Individualized acupuncture treatments according to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) principles were applied to patients with intractable pain following laparoscopic shoulder surgery. The researchers concluded that acupuncture is both effective and safe; [...]

Acupuncture Found Effective For Post-Surgical Shoulder Pain2017-02-07T20:42:20+10:00
4 04, 2014

Scalp Acupuncture Effective For Stroke


Recent clinical research indicates that scalp acupuncture has a positive curative effect on patients suffering from stroke. The researchers document that several major approaches to scalp acupuncture for the treatment of stroke have co-evolved with advances in the biomedical understanding of the human brain. As a result, the field of scalp acupuncture has made tremendous [...]

Scalp Acupuncture Effective For Stroke2017-02-05T12:25:53+10:00
30 03, 2014

Acupuncture Relieves Knee Osteoarthritis


Researchers conclude that acupuncture has a significant curative effect on patients with knee osteoarthritis. This condition often involves joint pain, swelling, stiffness, decreased range of motion and the formation of bone spurs. More than 27 million people in the U.S. have osteoarthritis with the knee being one of the most commonly affected areas. In this [...]

Acupuncture Relieves Knee Osteoarthritis2017-02-05T12:25:53+10:00
25 03, 2014

Acupuncture Treats Depression By Normalising Genes


Acupuncture alleviates depression by normalizing gene expression. A new laboratory investigation demonstrates that acupuncture benefits brain biochemistry and regulates gene expression related to depression. The researchers conclude that electroacupuncture treats “depression by modifying or regulating the expression of various genes.” Depicted is acupoint Yintang shown to help gene expression in depression. Acupuncture was applied to [...]

Acupuncture Treats Depression By Normalising Genes2017-02-05T12:25:53+10:00