11 06, 2014

Acupuncture Lowers Chemo Side Effects, Ups Immunity


Acupuncture reduces chemotherapy side effects for colorectal cancer patients. New research confirms that acupuncture benefits the immune system and improves the psychological state for these patients. Blood samples prove that acupuncture enhances the immune system’s NK (natural killer) cells for colorectal cancer patients. Subjective testing showed improved mental health scores after acupuncture. The researchers concluded [...]

Acupuncture Lowers Chemo Side Effects, Ups Immunity2017-02-05T12:25:52+10:00
10 06, 2014

Acupuncture Cuts Morphine Addiction – New Study


Acupuncture suppresses morphine addiction patterns. Researchers have identified an acupuncture point that specifically reduces the behavioral pattern of self-administering morphine. The researchers made an additional discovery. The administration of a special pharmaceutical neurotransmitter blocking agent interfered with the effective action of acupuncture. As a result, the researchers determined that a special biochemical brain pathway is [...]

Acupuncture Cuts Morphine Addiction – New Study2017-02-05T12:25:52+10:00
7 06, 2014

Acupuncture Stops Knee Pain


Acupuncture relieves knee osteoarthritis pain. Research published in the Shanghai Journal of Acupuncture and Moxibustion documents the clinical efficacy of two approaches to acupuncture therapy. Two groups received acupuncture at ST35 (Dubi, lateral Xiyan) and medial Xiyan (MN-LE-16) combined with electroacupuncture. In addition, the groups received acupuncture needles at Heding (M-LE-27), GB34 (Yanglingquan) and ST36 [...]

Acupuncture Stops Knee Pain2014-06-24T15:03:49+10:00
30 05, 2014

Acupuncture & Herbs Best Drugs For Menstrual Pain and Cramps


Acupuncture combined with moxibustion and herbs is more successful for reducing menstrual pain and cramping than ibuprofen. The results were published in new research of a randomized investigation of patients with primary dysmenorrhea, painful menstruation. Data points were taken at three, six and nine months after the beginning of treatment. The long-term positive clinical outcomes [...]

Acupuncture & Herbs Best Drugs For Menstrual Pain and Cramps2017-02-05T12:25:52+10:00
27 05, 2014

Acupuncture Helps Methamphetamine Withdrawal


Two types of acupuncture have been found effective in treating methamphetamine withdrawal symptoms. Illegal methamphetamine "speed" is depicted here. Methamphetamines are neurotoxins and psychostimulants that alter moods, increase alertness and are approved for the treatment of obesity. Long term side-effects include include potential for brain damage, anorexia, headaches, irregular heart beats, hyper or hypotension and [...]

Acupuncture Helps Methamphetamine Withdrawal2017-02-05T12:25:52+10:00
6 05, 2014

Acupuncture Antidepressant Connection For Depression


Acupuncture treats major depression by enhancing the effect of SSRIs (serotonin reuptake inhibitors). Researchers conclude that acupuncture combined with SSRIs is more effective than using SSRI medications alone. The combined care treatment benefits were statistically larger from the very first week of care. As a result, the researchers note that acupuncture potentially reduces the “delay [...]

Acupuncture Antidepressant Connection For Depression2017-02-05T12:25:52+10:00
29 04, 2014

Acupuncture Relief From Low Back Pain


Researchers conclude that acupuncture is effective for the treatment of chronic low back pain. A randomized, controlled trial was performed at the Dongzhimen Hospital in Beijing, China with a group of 60 participants. Acupuncture effectively decreased patient pain levels and reduced days missed from work due to low back pain. Another study of 236 patients [...]

Acupuncture Relief From Low Back Pain2014-05-05T14:53:39+10:00
27 04, 2014

Ear Acupuncture Sedates Anxiety


Researchers conclude that ear acupuncture effectively reduces anxiety. The research team initiated the new investigation based on prior studies demonstrating that ear acupuncture reduces anxiety prior to dental treatments, surgery and during ambulance transport. The research team discovered that ear acupuncture exerts “a specific and measurable effect” on anxiety levels. Ear acupuncture, formally referred to [...]

Ear Acupuncture Sedates Anxiety2014-05-05T14:58:27+10:00